Monday, July 12, 2010

Trip to Tennessee!!!

Getting ready to leave Wisconsin, where we were for my 
brother's wedding, and head to the Bill Rice Ranch!!!
Yea!!! We arrived safely at the ranch early Sunday morning!

It was an enjoyable time of relaxing...
Deborah did a great job playing her violin for the BRR choir!
Rebekah's cabin for the week (minus the little boy;))!
The John Burtt family sisters... well, some of them:)
(L to R:  Deborah, Sarah, Joanna, Rebekah, and Tabitha)
Abby and I decided to take a picture since 
we weren't included in that sister group:)
We had some fun at Cowboy Town while we were there, too!:)
Deborah & I had fun "tootling" around on her golf cart!:)
(Had to put that word in just for you, Mom!:))
We had fun driving around in the PT, too!:)
Rebekah did a great job giving her testimony in the teen chapel!
The girls were working away in the kitchen one night,
and when Abby least expected it..  SPLASH!:)
We enjoyed going for walks together...
  ....and riding in the golf cart together!:)
(although, this picture may not look like it.. 
just having a little camera fun!;))
  Caylie asked Miss Deborah if she could come over to see "Tippy"... 
she and her twin sisters, Bree and Alonya, are just SO precious!:)
Actually, come to think of it, a lot of staff kids at the ranch are!:)
We enjoyed watching "Jom & Kerry", as Caylie called it... ;)
We just had to go back to Cowboy Town for some Apple Dumpling Sundaes!:)
Rebekah, Tabitha, and Sarah
Rebekah has really enjoyed making friends 
with Emily, another counselor at the ranch... 
And we all really enjoyed getting to know her, too!:)
Abby just being rebellious!;) 
(See if you can figure it out...:))
Tab insisted that we do a little "star gazing"...
notice her about to flik my neck!!!
(um.. I wonder who she learned that from?!:))
Dr. Bill & Miss Mary invited us over for dessert... 
They're so much fun!  We had a great time hearing all
their stories... from both points of view!;)
The flies in the apartment were annoying Breeze & Abby so much 
that they decided they just HAD to do something about it!!!:)
They even dressed up to try and disguise themselves!;)

While we were in Tennessee we met up with the Webb Family,
some very good friends from North Carolina.

Here are Jacquelyn & Georgia trying to help their 
Mom get up to the balcony of our hotel room!:)
(She was just so glad to see us, I guess!;))
We all had fun squishing into Jo's car to go to Outback for supper!:)
It was so hot out, so we enjoyed spending a little time at the pool!:)
That evening, we went to the World's Fair Park!:)
(Good choice, girls!:))
Go Nurse Jacquelyn!:)

We tried to go up in this Sunsophere, but instead got a little 
stuck on the elevator!  I guess we should've just paid attention 
to the sign that said they were remodeling and it was closed!;)
We found this amphitheater and, of course, 
we had to have a little bit of fun!;)
The fountains there were awesome!!!
(Of course, Jo had to get pictures of that!:))
After devotions, we were starving, so we decided to get a bite to eat at Sonic!:)
Of course, Abby just had to get a picture with our waitress on rollerskates!:)
Before we left the Webbs to head back to the ranch for the
rodeo, we just had to go to Krispy Kreme for donuts!:)
You look so pretty, Georgia!:)

It was so good to see the Webb's again!  Miss y'all!
We made it back to the ranch in time for the rodeo!!!:)
Abby and Damon, a kid that Sarah and CJ brought from their church 
for the week.  He definitely kept them on their toes!:) 
But, it was worth it.. as he accepted Christ as his Savior this week!
Abby, you just amaze me!:)  
You'll do great in Africa with all that talent to give!;)
I loved spending time with my cousin, Deborah!:)
We had SO much fun at the Bill Rice Ranch, 
 that it was really hard to leave!:(
It was so great to finally be able to go, though,
and especially to be able to see Deborah & Rebekah.

Keep up the good work, girls! 
We love you lots and we miss you!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you all had fun! When are you going to come visit us:)
