Thursday, August 18, 2011

Neighborhood Bible Time 2011

Welcome to Neighborhood Bible Time (NBT) 2011!
This is the first "VBS" our church has hosted!
It was a huge endeavor, but we had an awesome time!
Beware.. there are ALOT of pics, too! ;-)

 Saying verses at registration...

 The money bank
The kids (and others :-)) gave over $700 
this week in the penny offering!
One of Suzy's students had a little crush on her
and brought her a rose.  He had even pulled
all the thorns off of it!  He came all dressed up,
three-piece suit n' all!  When asked about it he
calmly said, "Oh, this is my everyday dress!" :-)
 There were five classes total - one preschool,
two primary, and two junior.  Each class "lined up" 
by their pole in the morning after registering, 
waiting to be called in to the opening rally time.
 John & Jeremy even came to help!
Of course, it didn't stop John from texting!


 Marching into the opening rally!
Win, girls, win! :-)

 ScReAmInG Contest!
(I do believe the girls ended up winning this, of course!)

 John & Mary Lynn seemed to be enjoying it! ;-)
 Later in the week, it ended up that instead of buying
pennies, people could buy bricks...
 John even got in to the singing! ;-)
 After the penny parade every morning, the kids
watched a skit.. they loved it!
 The bad guys.. BOO!
The good guys.. YAY!

 After opening rally, the juniors went to their class time.
I had the privilege of teaching a group of 4th to 6th graders!

 Yuta also helped me teach them.
 And Britany assisted as well.. thanks for all your help!
I couldn't have done it without you guys!

 Some of the other classes...

 After class time, we went outside for an activity & snack...
 We had GORGEOUS weather!!!

 Of course, what's activity time without a photographer?! ;-)

 Snack time!


 What's NBT without a little bit of candy?! ;-)

 Preacher even enjoyed some snacks, too.. :-)

 After snack time, the juniors went back 
inside for a rally time together...
 "Mr. Nick", the NBT evangelist that was with us for
the week, did a Bible lesson, usually in some way
giving the gospel message through it.  Here he's
preaching about Adam & Eve.  Mary & Peter were SO 
embarrassed to be used to represent Adam & Eve! ;-)
We had balloon popping contests...
 Sword drills...
 Another object lesson.  I really liked how he had
things visualized for the kids.. helped me too! :-)
 At the end of every rally time, Mr. Nick would give
out a balloon that he'd made to the person he
thought had been the best.  I'm so glad that Fred
got the balloon one of the days!  This was the same
day that he responded at the invitation time & Yuta
was able to lead him to the Lord!  What a change
even immediately in him!  Many of us realized he
was being really good, and so we made sure to tell
him that we'd noticed.  When I told him, he said,
"Yeah, I wanna be like this everyday!" :-)
 Everyone came back together at the 
end of the day for a closing rally time.
Here's the coloring contest that took place at this time!
 Preacher seemed to really enjoy himself this week! :-)
 A big part of rally times is.. SINGING, of course! ;-)
We had an awesome NBT 2011!
We had about 70 kids attend and about 15 accept the Lord
as their personal Savior!  I was also able to lead a Mom
to the Lord!  It's so exciting to see the Lord working in
these little lives & in turn using them to work in our hearts!
I'm very thankful I was part of our very first NBT! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tizzy! Great pictures! We miss you! I was able to copy some of your pictures to print (the ones of John, Jr.), but some I wasn't able to. Would it be possible for you to send me the pictures of the group picture, the one of me and John, Sr. laughing, and the one of me teaching his class? I am putting a photo album together. My e-mail is, if it's not too much trouble! Thanks!
