Saturday, November 12, 2011

Long Beach, California

We arrived in Long Beach, and found that Crystal
and I were staying "on campus".  So, we went
to our apartment for the week where we were
just going to drop off our things and then go eat.
Here's the alleyway leading up to our apartment.
I wasn't exactly sure what to expect since there
was a bum that was digging through this 
garbage as we walked up to our apartment :-)
But don't worry! Around our apartment was
gated and you could only get in with a key :-)
It was very nice!!!
Our own little place for the week! :-)
We were really looking forward to it.
We both agree that we'd have a
blast if we roomed together! :-)
Now, I don't think we could room with
certain people.. or should I say, people
would probably get annoyed with us :-)
But we have a great time together!
No silent treatments yet.. that I know of ;-)

And, of course, I loved the saying on the wall by the door :-)
Our team then walked to Panda Express for dinner.
Dr. Jim had talked of going there for some time,
so it was nice to be able to finally go!  Yummy! :-)
Thomas, Stephanie, and Janna played 
in orchestra on Sunday night.
We then went to the pastor's house after church on
Sunday night.  Thomas, of course, had so much
fun with the kids! :-)  The girls are going to miss
him.. or should I say, he is going to miss the girls!
I think it'll go both ways :-)

Pastor Wilkerson and his wife
Matt wanted me to get pictures of his amazing talents! ;-)
The guy sitting on the couch next to Matt is Jeremiah.
He's actually a teen from Wilton, CA, the first place
we ministered this tour when we came to California!
He flew out to help us for the week :-)
I actually don't have as long of post this week because
I was sick from about Monday night to Thursday.
Thankfully I don't usually get sick, but when I do
I guess it's pretty bad!  It could've been worse, but,
let's just say, I'm thankful that I don't normally feel
like that :-)  And thankful I feel so much better!
It was interesting actually what
lessons the Lord can teach you, even through
sickness.  I ended up losing my voice for most
of the week, or, at least, not being able to talk
much at all.  But it definitely made me think
about how I normally use my voice!
Can be quite convicting! 
So, all that to explain why I don't have as 
many pics as I normally would :-)
The pic before this one was us walking into an
Indian restaurant.  Pastor Wilkerson took us out
to lunch on Wednesday afternoon.  He took us
to this restaurant where the owner actually is
a born-again believer, and Pastor Wilkerson
really had a major part in seeing him saved!
It was a pretty awesome story!
This week we had such a variety of food!
Chinese, Korean, Indian, Mexican... it was great! :-)
The school this week was pretty big, about 75
junior and senior high, I think.  The War nights
ended up being about 100, if I remember correctly..
I was a little fuzzy this week in remembering everything :-)
Tube Tug in the gym because there was no grass!

The youth pastor's daughter.  She was so cute!
I think she might've known it too ;-)
The girls did "concerts" in different classrooms :-)
Lydia Wilkerson, the pastor's daughter, decided to
add a little something to the mashed potatoes ;-)
The artist herself! :-)
Tizzy & Lydia
Big Ball Bowling in the gym

I wish I could've gotten pictures that actually turned
out of the final Friday night service.  It was so
awesome!  The Lord really met with us and it
was obvious His presence was there as teenagers
gave testimonies.  Those who had been laughing
and mocking ended up breaking and getting right!
It was awesome!  As teens gave testimonies about
bitterness, others broke about the bitterness they
had in their hearts.  The Lord really worked as
teens ministered to teens.
I talked to a girl who hadn't been there in the
school all week long as she went to a public
school, but the Lord broke her over sin that
she'd been holding on to.  I had the opportunity
to counsel her, and then the youth pastor's wife
was able to talk with her as well.  This teen
finally "got out on the table" what she'd been
hiding for so long, pretending to be a joyful
Christian.  God broke her and she came clean!
Praise the Lord!
And many similar stories happened that evening..
I believe that was the first school on this fall
tour that we'd seen a "complete breakthrough"
or, at least, no obvious resistance left.
It was so special to just watch as the Lord worked!
And just feel so humbled knowing it wasn't you, but
it definitely was the Lord doing the working!
An awesome, incredible feeling and privilege!
Another quick story :-)  There was a girl in
the school who purposely didn't come on Friday
during the day because she didn't want to hear
the preaching.  Well, she showed up Friday night
and when God showed up, she could resist no longer.
Mrs. Van had the opportunity to talk with her, and
she was broken.  As she was talking to Mrs. Van
she confessed that when us team members would
say "hi" or "howdy" or "hey" in the halls, then
she and her friends would go and make fun of us!
Broken and crying, she apologized!  Mrs. Van told
her that she really was forgiven and didn't need
to worry about it.. there were much bigger things
in her life that needed to be dealt with.
But we thought it was cute and funny :-)
I'm sure a lot worse has been said about us! ;-)
 Some of the teen girls that I counseled from the school.

This place was incredible!
This is the main auditorium, but I think they had about
five or six different chapels throughout the massive church
building!  This place was well used too, as they have
Spanish, Korean, Cambodian, and, I think, Indonesian
church services as well as the English church!
(once again all the exact foreign ministries 
they had is a little fuzzy :-))
This place is well used for sure!  I don't think I've ever
seen so many chapels/auditoriums in one building!

Goodbye, First Baptist Church of Long Beach!
It was really awesome what God so clearly did
and how He worked this week...
may His work continue on long after we've left!

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