Saturday, November 17, 2012

Vacation to the South! :-D

 Rachel & I enjoyed a splendid week of vacation to the south!
As we started out our trip,
we were happy to see the sun shining again :-)
 We stayed with Deborah in TN overnight on Wednesday
on our way to Pensacola, Florida, to visit Mary & Suzy.
 Once again, a beautiful sunny morning
as we headed off early to PCC!
 Enjoyed a girls date night on Thursday night!
We spent hours catching up & could've spent much longer!
So much fun to be with sisters & cousins!
 Nurses Unite! :-D
 Enjoyed lunch on campus on Friday afternoon.
 Rachel & I enjoyed some Frappes & shopping
while the girls were in class.
I thought this sign was preeettty funny!
I got it for Mar... knew she'd love it! ;-)
 Elena got her siblings to smile for a pic :-)
Watching them while Abby & Sam were observing a class.
 Enjoyed CiCi's pizza buffet for dinner!
("All the cardboard pizza you can eat for $5"
as Dr. Jim says... ;-p I actually thought it wasn't
too bad, though! Maybe it was the company? ;-)).

 Friday Night Soccer Game!
Poor Tony... ;-) Glad Mary & Suzy have such nice friends at PCC!
 Shopping on Saturday!
 And Chick-fil-A before the Air Show!
 Pensacola Naval Base... very touching!
 Love how the Blue Angels proudly support Michigan! :-)
 Mary & Mary look alike ;-)

 Getting ready for the Air Show to start

 It was awesome!
 Such kind aunts to give the children a better view ;-)

 Trolley ride back to our cars
 Chloe loved yelling out the window & saying,
"Hi, people! Hi, people!"
Funny how much she reminds me of me with her little personality!
I guess Chloe ELISABETH was a good name for her, Abs! ;-)
Enjoyed the evening going to the beach!
 What a perfect way to end a wonderful day!

 LOVE this pic of my little buddy! :-D
 Enjoyed writing her name in the sand... :-)

 Enjoyed "sister dates" Sunday afternoon after church.

 On Sunday evening, we met the Sanderlins at a park
where a church had gathered & Sam gave his presentation.

 Enjoyed 32 Degrees Frozen Yogurt after church Sunday night! :-)
 PCC Chapel on Monday.
The man up on the screen is the new president, Dr. Shoemaker.
A lot of PCC dressed in red to show their support for Romney.
Glad we could be there to join in!
 Smoothies at the Palm Grill on Monday afternoon :-)
If you haven't guessed already, we took full advantage
of the vacation & ate what we wanted, when we wanted!
A true vacation! ;-)
 Enjoyed classes with Mary & Suzy on Monday.
You can probably tell we learned a lot... ;-p
 Dinner at Jim & Kari Showers on Monday night.
 Love my sisters!!

 We watched Tony & Craig (Mary & Suzy's friends) play a
soccer game on Monday night :-) We enjoyed our cozy,
warm, front row car seats since it was raining!
 Very sad to say goodbye to the girls!
But only about 27 more days, right?! :-)
 Got Frappes to keep us going for the next seven hours
or so until we made it safely to TN! :-)
We like to cram as much as we can in one day! ;-)
 Enjoyed shopping with Debz on Tuesday.
The Christmas lights were SO BEAUTIFUL! :-D
 Debz especially liked this decorated tree ;-)
(Thought I'd clarify in case you couldn't tell what it was! ;-p)
 Enjoyed our time with Debz in TN for a couple days.

We had such a fun, relaxing trip & had a hard time
coming back to reality! ;-p
So glad I could do the trip with you, Rach! :-)
It was a blast!! Same time next year??? ;-)

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