Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Pacific Ocean Adventure

 I visited the Pacific Ocean for my first time last weekend!
 I really loved the variety of the mountains & the water!
 The Team
(besides the Van Gelderen family)
The three team captains, Aquila (who joined 
us for just a few weeks), Ariel, and me.

 And, yes... this bird was real :-)
 Imagine living with a view like this!

 We stopped off and got some popcorn :-)
 Here's a candy store... talk about a warped candy store!
Yuck!  And, yes, they are REAL!

 Thomas bought some for people to try.
I refrained myself... :-)
Matt, Aquila, and Thomas gave the crickets a try, though!


  1. Alright Tiz!!! You wear the Michigan apparel proudly! Dad is so proud of you. :) Actually, there are alot of Michigan fans out there in CA. Bring my niece home with you when you come! :) Love the posts and the wonderful stories, we serve an amazing God don't we? Im so glad the Lord chose you to be a part of it! We are praying for you here in DeWitt, MI...love ya!

  2. I hope they took the stinger off of the scorpion before they dipped it! Yuck....that looks TOTALLY gross. What did the guys think of them?

    And I'm really jealous...I've never seen the Pacific Ocean!

    -Katie :)

  3. I am jealous too...I have never seen an ocean except in books and pictures! Someday I will have to see the ocean!! Chocolate covered bugs...gross...I am proud of everyone who did not try them!!!!!!

  4. O my word! GAG! Chocolate is bad enough without a bug underneath it. :)
