Sunday, March 4, 2012

Holiness Conference 2012

 After being home for a week, Uncle John, Aunt Lynn,
Rachel, and I headed up to Wisconsin for the annual
Holiness Conference.  We made excellent timing in our
traveling, so it was nice to get up there a little early
to have some time to relax before the extremely busy
week began in full force! ;-)

Tina, Steve, and the kids attended the conference for
Monday night and all day Tuesday, so it was nice
to be able to see them (and the kids, of course!)
for the first little bit.  On Tuesday afternoon we
went out to Culver's with Summer and David too!
Such good times! :-)
 Brooklyn was just captivated with the TV!
She doesn't watch much at all so that's probably why ;-)
 Rachel reading to Levi :-)
What a good aunt & I'm sure she'll make
a wonderful mother someday! :-)
 Yes, I did some Frappes this week to keep myself going! ;-)
On the way back to the place we were staying, I was
drinking my Frappe, but I kept pulling it in and out
of the cup holder.  I realized as I did that it made
this annoying squeaking sound!  I looked over to see
that Rachel had also noticed :-)  She asked me politely
and sweetly, as she would, if I could just keep it out
of the cup holder.  I died laughing!  We both did ;-)
It was pretty annoying!  So, this is how I drank it! ;-)
 On Friday, I traveled up to Camp Joy to spend some
more time with Tina, Steve, and the kids before we
left to get back to traveling on Saturday.  It snowed
quite a bit on Friday!  As we were at supper that night
we were having pizza so Steve brought out some pop
for us to drink.  I wanted ice, and since there wasn't
any in the ice maker, I went outside to get "ice"
for us.  One of the guys saw me through the window
and said, "Have they not had much snow in Michigan?!"
No, actually, I try to make it a habit to go out and just
feel the snow every time it snows! ;-p
 The kids had fun trying on my glasses! :-)
Too cute!!!

1 comment:

  1. Cute pics and comments, Tiz:) Especially love the ones of Levi and Brooklyn - what goof-offs...makes me miss them even more!

    Love you,
