Thursday, August 18, 2011

Visit to West Virginia

 As crazy as it is, we girls (Jo, Tab, Rachel, Mary, and I)
went to West Virginia late Friday night after the closing
NBT program.  Rachel has a really good friend who was
getting married in West Virginia on Saturday afternoon,
so we decided to travel through the night to make it
there in time for Tab to do the bride's hair and for
me to practice the songs I was supposed to sing.
Of course, I was just super excited to be seeing and 
staying with Grandpa & Grandma Bunner again! :-)
We wanted to be on the road by 9pm but, 
of course, we didn't get on the road until 10pm!
That's okay, it was so nice to finally be all together to 
catch up!  I think we talked for at least 4 hours straight!
 So, here we are, on the Ohio and then Pennsylvania
turnpikes.  We're starving because we didn't realize
that there was barely any civilization along those 
stretches! ;-) Jo is driving and chattin' away, using her 
hands as she usually does while she drives.  
Sure enough!  Guess what happens?!
We get pulled over!  Tab was SO scared, thinking that 
for sure it wasn't a real officer and that he was gonna 
shoot her!  Jo was pretty calm, realizing she hadn't done 
anything wrong, and us girls in the back seat were trying to 
talk some sense into Tab before she would've jumped into 
the back seat!  Jo rolls down her window for the 
nice-looking officer.  After asking how we were doing, 
Jo pipes up, "Well, I'm hungry!  
And you're putting more time on my GPS!"
By this point, as Jo asked for directions to the nearest
Taco Bell, Rachel, Mary, and I, who were all in the back
seat, were dying laughing!  Well, so it ended up that he
pulled her over because she was "drifting".. I think he was
probably bored! ;-)  He took a look at Jo's license, and she
claims that he just wanted to see her full name so that he
could look her up on Facebook!  She's crazy! ;-)
Needless to say, we were definitely 
wide awake for a while after that! :-)

We finally made it safely to WV around 4:30am!
So good to see Grandpa & Grandma again!
They insisted on waking up to let us in :-)
After getting a tour around the house, we 
finally crashed a little after 5am.
We had planned to all be at the church by 10am
so that Tab could do Janna's hair (the bride).
Well, Rachel woke me with a start to tell me that
it was 9:25am & we had planned to leave at 9:30!
Grandpa was so sweet as to take Tab & Jo to the
church so they could do hair and then the rest of us 
girls went a little later, so we could actually get ready! :-)
 For the wedding, I sang two duets with Glen and 
one trio with Glen and Joanna, the bride's cousin.
 Of course, what's the wedding without the kiss?! ;-)
 We were a bit tired by mid-afternoon, but I'm so
glad that we all made the trip together! :-)
 Sunday morning we went to church with 
Grandpa & Grandma Bunner.  They're so sweet!  
Jo couldn't resist getting a picture of them 
holding hands during the service :-)
 After lunch and some naps, we took a drive around
the country to see the mountains!
 Love you, Grandpa & Grandma!  SO good to see you again!

 Deborah's dream house.. ;-)
 After church on Sunday evening, we went to Wendy's
for some dinner and then came back home for ice
cream and cake that Grandpa had made.  It was such
an enjoyable, relaxing evening as we sat on back porch
and listened to stories... :-)
Jo had left her shoes out on Sunday night & on Monday 
morning Grandma put a "prize" because Jo had made
herself so at home!  It's not too hard to feel comfortable
there.. :-)  When Jo went to take a picture (or "pitcher" as 
you'd say, Jo!) of it, Grandma just died laughing!  She
thought it was just SO funny that you'd take a picture of
such a thing to send out! haha

We went to Ihop for a brunch before we 
finished packing and left.  It was so hard to say 
goodbye again!  Come visit soon, Grandma and Grandpa!  
I already miss you both lots!

1 comment:

  1. You got to sing with my "Glenn with an N"!:) We call him that because Jesse and I got to go on visitation with him, so we call him "Our Glenn" and he spells his name with two N's and not one, so we call him "Glenn with an N".:)
