Friday, July 16, 2010

Emily & Joanna's Outing:)

My cousin, Bethany, and her four kids are in town this week.
So, I thought it'd be fun to take her daughter, Joanna, and Emily,
my sister's daughter, to McDonald's for a little girl's day outing!:)  
We had an absolute blast!:)  (...and I think the girl's did, too!;))

It was SO cute to hear them talking and laughing...
I asked my Mom if we were like that when we were little...
I guess things really haven't changed much!;)
It ended up being a big crowd that came to McDonald's.. any surprise?!;)
Grandma Gardner, Aunt Jean, Tabitha, and Joanna (& the kids she nanny's
for) showed up to join in the fun!:)  It was so much fun to have them all!:)
I had to take this picture of Joanna being such a good nanny!;)
Emily was in such a hurry to go play that she didn't want
to finish all her food.. well, so I made sure that it got eaten!
Little did I know that she planned to come back to eat more
AFTER she played!  Here she is, just a little upset with me once 
she found out!  She's a typical girl that likes her food, I guess!:)
Emily and Joanna enjoyed playing with their toys from McDonald's!:)
We went to the library and the girls enjoyed reading together...
(Obviously Emily was still hungry!;))
Here Joanna's looking at me and telling me 
that Emily wasn't being good!;)
I guess they felt pretty comfortable...
They made themselves right at home!:)
In the course of about 15 minutes the girls had to go to the 
bathroom about 3 times!  So, they became quite familiar
with the place, and even decided it needed to be cleaned!:)
Jo and Ems played the computers some, too.
For a while, they were on the same one...
And then they finally got their own!:)
We ended our little outing with a snack...
You know, they hadn't eaten in SUCH a LONG time!;)
It was such a fun little girl's day out!:)


  1. Cute Pictures Bliz. The girls look like they had a blast! It was fun meeting up with you all for a bit, glad it worked out.

    Love ya!

  2. Great pics, Auntie Tiz! :) I really like the ones with the books...too cute! ;)
