Friday, July 30, 2010

Monday's Memories!:)

My Uncle John and I took a group of juniors from our church to
Camp Joy to spend the week.. they as campers, and I to stay
with Stephen and Tina, my sister and her husband who live
and work at the camp, to visit and help for the week!
Kristen, Hannah, and Naomi were already showing their 
team spirit early on in the trip by getting BLUE slushies!:)

I laughed when I saw what T2 was reading.. :)  
Shows you that he must have sisters!;)

Can you guess where we are now?!:) 
After finally getting to camp, registering, and settling in
the kids enjoyed a little activity in the soccer field!:)
It looks like Levi enjoyed it, too!:)
(now isn't he worth the trip alone?!;))

Forrest Chapmann was the speaker this week.
He's probably one of my favorite junior speaker's!
We also enjoyed hearing music by a man from 
Bethel Baptist Church in Schaumburg, Illinois! 
A great start to a fun week... :)


  1. Hey Tiz!! thanx for posting all the pictures from camp!! They were really fun to look at!=)

  2. Well, I do LOVE to take pics, as you can see!:) Thought you all might enjoy seeing them.. make sure your Mom does, will ya? Thanks! Tell her I can even show her more later!!!:) (Can you believe I even have MORE?!)
