Saturday, July 9, 2011

4th Celebration at Home

 Since we had our big church picnic on the 3rd rather
than the 4th like we normally do, we had a pretty
relaxing 4th of July.. but it was nice! :-)
I was craving a Frappe since I woke up!
Crazy, since I'd only had one other one ever in my life!!
So, I finally went and got one.. it was super yummy!
 Mar & I both dressed in Piston jerseys for the day..
comfortable and red, white, and blue, so it worked! :-)
We tried to get some pictures, but it was a challenge
to get a good one!  Guess it wasn't really a picture day!
Maybe we were done with pictures for the week since
we'd taken SO MANY the day before! ;-)
Personally, I like this one of Mar actually.. ;-)


 Suzy & Jo left for Chicago later that afternoon.
They went to spend some time with their sister
and her family before going to Minnesota, to visit some 
friends, and then Wisconsin to surprise Tab, who is 
working at Camp Chetek for some of the summer!
Hope you have a great, safe trip, girls!  We'll miss you!!
 Had a cookout that night and had some of the family over.. 
it was low key and relaxing & I really enjoy grilling! :-)

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