Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Canadian Rockies.. Marvelous, Magnificent, and Masterful!

 How would you like to wake up to a sight like this?!
Okay, this will probably be my longest posting yet, but I 
think after you see all the beautiful pictures you'll forgive me! ;)

We stayed at a camp ground on Monday night.
The girls stayed in the trailer and the 
guys stayed in this cute little cabin :)
Now off to see the sights!
Alex was in all sorts of positions to get the best pictures!

We even got to see some wildlife!
Still hoping to see bear & moose, though!



 We stopped frequently to get pictures.. :)


 I most of these awesome pictures from Joe & Alex..
This is Joe's photography.  I like the way that they both
thought outside the box.. they took some amazing pictures!



I'm glad that I got to spend it with Amanda, too.. 
we've had a blast together!  Lots of "laughing fits"! ;)
Another unique position in which to get a picture.. :)


Such a typical Janna picture.. :)
We stopped at a place where there were waterfalls..
we came to a spot where there was just a little too
much water to walk through, but we managed :)
It was worth it!
 If you notice the water, it has a blueish tint to it..
I guess it's because of some flower that makes it that way.
It was really beautiful, though!


 We stopped for a picnic lunch while we were there, too.
 Janna & I kept each other company as we were the
last ones that were left eating our lunch :)

 Janna was sleeping in the truck for this picture stop :)
 But I got to get some pictures with Mama Van, too! :)

Can you see the house in this picture???
How would you like that to be your house?! :)

Some more unique photos by Joe :)

 Welcome to Columbia's Icefield!

 Now Janna was awake for a picture :)

 We stopped at Lake Louise, too.
Let's just say that it would've been better in the summer.. :)

Lake Louise all frozen over..
It's not too often that you can walk on water.. :)
 More wildlife.. this time it was Elk!  Now, just a moose & bear! :)
When there's so many beautiful pictures it's hard to choose,
but these are some of my personal favorites below..
Hope you've enjoyed! :)


  1. Beautiful pics! I love the ones of you and Mrs. Van and with the girls!
    Love ya,

  2. Tiz, I have been to Lake Louis! Our family went to Calgary after Michael's wedding. David was looking for a Best Buy after seeing so many mountain, trees, and lakes! :)Glad you are able to have this opportunity! Praying for you!
    Love ya,

  3. Wow! Beautiful! Glad y'all are having so much fun! Love the pic of Dr. Jim and Mrs. Van... very cute! :-)

  4. Breathtaking pics, Tiz! Very awesome!
    By the way, you look SO much like Tina in the avatar pic at the top (the one with you and Amanda with your arms spread out). I had to do a double-take! :)


  5. Amazingly beautiful =) Thanks for sharing your experience!

    luv, Sum

  6. Love the pictures, Tizzy!!!!! Thanks for posting them!!!! ;)

  7. Wow Tiz!! those were so beautiful!
