Monday, October 24, 2011

Lake Tahoe

 This past week was an "off week" since we ended
doing the War on Monday night and we didn't have
to be to the next church until Saturday, so we took
the rare opportunity to relax and see some sights! :-)
On Tuesday, Pastor Labins took the five of us team
members to see the famed Lake Tahoe!
 It was a gorgeous drive on the way!


They were courageous enough to climb down...
what someone will do for a great picture! ;-)
 DJ was so excited to find gold (although small) in the river!
 Pics along the way, of course! :-)

 On the way to Lake Tahoe, we took a detour to
Echo Lake.  It was well worth it!

 Getting ready to hike for some more great photos!
 WOW!  Now, Mom, you wouldn't have liked this... :-)


 Matt & Thomas were brave enough 
to climb up even farther!
 They went high enough to even bring back snow!
 Of course, what's snow without a snowball fight?!
Matt & Thomas both got me good!  Of course,
I guess it's what I get for starting it! :-)
Here's Crystal throwing it at the guys with a vengeance! ;-)
 I think this was DJ's idea :-)
 Made for some fun pictures! :-)
Pastor saw these signs laying on the ground...
the picture was his idea!  He's hilarious!
 As we were traveling to our next destination, pastor
asked us if we'd be willing to take some unique
photos.  Of course, we were up for it!  Little did we 
know that this is where we'd be pulling in... :-)

 Pastor took a photo on his phone to send to Dr. Jim :-)
His caption was "Don't worry, I'm taking good care of the team!"

 As Thomas would say, "I'm dreamin' big"! ;-p
 The currents were incredible looking!
 The breeze was nice :-)
 Stopped for lunch before walking to see Lake Tahoe.
 Emerald Bay behind us

 Can you see the little castle on this island?
I guess some lady bought the island and had a mini castle 
built on it so that she could take people there for afternoon tea!
Crystal was marveling at all the trees!
I guess in New York they don't have as many...
or at least as much variety!
 Emerald Bay opening up into Lake Tahoe in the distance!

 Our next hike was to up to this waterfall!
Once again, Mom, you would've loved it! ;-)
I kept thinking about you! :-)

 The view from where we stood at the top of the waterfall!
 Looking over the edge...
 After the waterfall, we traveled a little farther down
to see the other side of Emerald Bay.
Mom, would you have done this to get a good picture?!
Headed back home after a long, fun-filled day! :-)
I was sitting behind DJ and thought it was pretty 
cool that I could get both Matt & DJ in a
picture out of the rear view mirror!
Small mind, small amusement?! ;-)

We had a wonderful day viewing God's beautiful creation!
Hope you've enjoyed it as well :-)

1 comment:

  1. I want to go there sometime.... How absolutely beautiful!!!! I love all of the crazy pics!!!! With a group like that you are sure to have a blast, I think I can say that even if I only know you, Crystal, and DJ!!!! LOL I like the pic taken in the mirror...very funny!!!
