Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Pleasant Hill, California

 We left the Ciaramitaro's house on Wednesday to go
meet up with the Vans where they were staying just
about ten minutes away.  When I got there we were
standing around chatting and Leesie had the brilliant
idea to put some flowers in my hair! :-)
 We normally do the War of Special Forces, which is
when we work in a Christian school during the day
and then recruit and bring in the lost for the evening
rallies on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.  This
week, however, we did a War, which is without
the Christian school.  So, we were recruiting a lot
more to try and get kids to come out for our
Saturday, Sunday, and Monday night rallies.  We ended
up having to recruit a lot in the rain!  I thought it
was fun, though! :-)  Gotta make the best of it, I guess!
Here you can see Crystal and I after we got back from a
recruiting time.. we were soaked!  Such fun! :-D
 The Vans stayed at a church about fifteen minutes
away and the rest of the team stayed in this huge
house!  When we got there Wednesday night to get
settled in, we explored around.. I think Crystal and I
counted five bedrooms and six bathrooms :-)
This is Crystal and my room.. it was pretty awesome
to have our own king size bed!

 This is probably the room where we spent the majority
of our time late at night & early in the morning :-)
Mr. Perez was an amazing cook & cooked us huge
breakfasts every morning!  We were so spoiled!
 DJ had fun dressing up with an 
outfit he found in his room :-)
 The second story had a balcony that overlooked
most of the rooms on the main level.. we had
a lot of fun memories overlooking :-)
 Our view when we walked out of our house!
 The outside of the house... it was quite the hill!
Almost every morning when we came out too we
saw "Bambi and his wives" in the neighbors yard! :-)

 Cornerstone Baptist Church
The church actually rented this complex, so it
wasn't your typical looking church as we think of it :-)
 Playing Frisbee for recess with Miss Crystal!

 Miss Crystal has come and fit right on in with the team!
She's a lot of fun & we've already had great times together!
 We went to Hometown Buffet for dinner on Thursday night.
 While we were at the Hometown Buffet, Crystal was
up getting some food and there was this older gentleman
who stopped her and asked her who was with the Navy
Seals.  Crystal figured he must have seen the Navy Seals
shirt that one of the teen girls who was with us was
wearing.  So, she tried to explain that it wasn't the
real Navy, but a teen competition.  She reiterated herself
a few times, since he didn't really seem to be understanding.
She came back to the table and was telling us about it.
Well, we forgot about it after a while, and when we were
just about to leave, the waitress came up to our table
and handed a gift card to DJ and said, "This gentleman
wanted me to give this to you to thank you for your
service for our country."  DJ was quite shocked, as
we all were!  So, this nice gentleman that was talking
to Crystal must have not fully understood! :-)  I
think DJ didn't mind that misunderstanding, though! ;-)
 We went recruiting on Friday night & I saw this
store... had to get a picture for you, Jo! :-)
 The first night of the War we had about 25 kids.
Most were from other churches, though... we only
had a few from the outside, so we kept praying...
 Matt making fun of the Seals!
 Thomas just laughing nicely as usual! :-)
 Cheering contest... who's gonna win?!
 The team captains with David Kinnicut, a teen that we
got to know from this past week at Antioch.  
There was a good group who came out from 
Antioch to enjoy this week as well!
Great to see them again!

 Me and Jeanne, another teen from Antioch
 Thomas with his nicely decorated wall!
 Me and Crystal... she's pretty awesome! :-)
 Some of the Ciaramitaro's came on Saturday night
to join us as well.  They only live about twenty
minutes away, so they came a couple nights...
great to see them again too! :-)
 Joanna, Thomas' sister, enjoying her perched
position on the picnic table while she waited
for the rest of her family :-)
 Sunday secrets with Miss Crystal :-)
(not really, but it sounded good ;-))
 Matt enjoyed "watching over the tubes", so DJ
and Stephanie decided to "dethrone" him :-)
 Abby, the pastor's daughter, 
enjoying the tubes as well :-)
 The Snow kids (the pastor's family)
Tim, Bethany, and Abby
 Keeping ourselves entertained before the War starts :-)

 Watching the War from the Gazebo,
where we did registration this week.

 Big Ball Basketball
Sunday night was a lower night.
I think we had about 18 teens.
The Lord was/is definitely teaching
us about walking by faith, claiming
His promises, and not walking by sight :-)

 Watching the competition from the Gazebo
 Spoke Tackle was done a little differently since
we had a smaller crowd, but it was still a lot
of fun to watch!  Even had the youth pastor
get involved & do a little bit of "damage"...
now, that was hilarious! :-D
Praise the Lord that a girl that Crystal and I recruited
showed up with her sister!  They both are in need
of salvation... Julie, the older sister, couldn't come
back on Monday night, but Allie did... as far as I
know, though, neither of them accepted Christ
as their Savior... please continue to pray for them!
 Short-Range Bombardment on Monday night
 Annaleese, Joanna, and Janna watching the fun together!

 Then we went inside for Trash Ball.

 Dr. Jim doing a "jump ball"!
 Chris, the "youth pastor", with his daughter,
about to judge the cheering contest.
 Tizzy and Izzy! :-)
 The girls enjoyed fellowshipping with Rebekah,
Thomas' sister, on Monday night as we got
things cleaned up and put away.
 We got home pretty late on Monday night since
we had to clean up and clear out stuff from
the week.  Without fail, though, the guys were
downstairs for their ice cream! :-)
Crystal came into our room and said, "Tiz!  You
have to come look!  The guys are watching
cats on TV!"  So, I dashed out of the room
to look over our balcony and see this... :-D
I tried not to laugh as I got a few pics...
DJ didn't know it until I showed him.
Needless to say, he was a bit chagrined! :-)
 Here's the little kittens on TV... 
I guess they were pretty cute :-)
Our final night of the War we had the most that
we'd had the whole week!  We ended up with 37
kids, according to Matt's calculation :-)
Praise the Lord for answering prayer!
It was so neat... Katie, a girl that Crystal had
recruited, came that final night, listened to the
gospel message, which was new to her, and
received Christ as her Savior that night.  When
they were finishing up Katie told Crystal that
when she saw her on Thursday she (Katie)
knew that there was something different about
her (Crystal), and she knew that she needed it.
Something like that... :-)  I thought that was
pretty awesome, though!  What a testimony!

This week for us could probably be characterized
as a week of learning faith... realizing where unbelief
had crept in and what "active faith" really was.
We, the three team captains, Crystal, and I, had a
phone conference with John Barber on Monday
morning.  It was very helpful and yet very sobering
to hear him encourage and challenge us in the area
of recruiting specifically!  I think it was good for all
of us to realize what "active faith" looked like and
that God wouldn't reward unbelief!  I believe, as
John Barber said, that this past week was a preparation
week for this upcoming week in Placerville, where
we would once again being doing a War without
a Christian school.  Please pray for us to learn
and apply these lessons as we recruit, pray, and
look for God to do miracles!
Thankful for what God has done, 
but also looking forward to what more God will do!


  1. So many funny pics...I really love your posts!!!! You do an awesome job, Tizzy!!! I have to agree with you that Crystal is pretty great!! Praying for you and the team!!!

  2. As always, I just love all the pictures and comments, Tiz - good job! Looks like fun and a challenge:) You're not getting too spoiled, are you?!

    Love and miss you lots,
