Saturday, November 13, 2010

Our Stay with the Barnetts in Tarboro, North Carolina

 This was an open week for us, so the Lord led
for us to stay with Dr. Jim's first cousin once removed!:)
Got that?;)  They live in Tarboro, NC, where he is the
pastor of a small baptist church.
They have three boys!  Talk about crazy fun!:)
We had a great time!
Only three weeks before our team arrived
they had just moved in to their new home
in the country and she also had just had their
third child!  Marianne Barnett amazes me!:)
Pictured above is their oldest and youngest sons,
Harrison Clay and Judson Michael.
 Nicole & I got to stay in the "Curious George" room!:)
We were sleeping on a blow up mattress and then.. well..
let's just say we only slept on it a few nights and then
the rest of our nights we slept on the floor!:)
But, Nicole said that's the best she's slept in weeks!
 Nicole holding Judson.. he was definitely "fought" over this week!:)
 I had the kids on Sunday.. we had fun making some crafts!:)
 Cheyenne, a girl from the church, with Wilson and Harrison Barnett.
The guys took Marianne literally and made themselves right at home!:)
I enjoyed all the Christmas decorations at the Barnetts!:)
Since they don't do Halloween, they decorate early for Christmas!
I think it's a good idea.. I love Christmas!:)
 The much wanted baby.. :)

 Carl's first time holding a baby this small!!!
 Crashing on Sunday afternoon..
So, on Sunday night the Barnetts asked me to go with them
to sit in the van with the boys while they ran a few errands.
I was more than happy to oblige!:)
Well, of course, while I'm watching the boys this has to 
happen.. :)  But, no worries.. I guess this isn't the first time it's happened!
 It's adorable now..
 The girls worked with Harrison some on his violin.
He loved it!  You could tell as he walked around the
house squeaking away!:)
 Baby's first bath!  It is a big deal!;)
 The other highlight of the week was Marianne's
little dog, Oreo.  He was pretty cute, I must say!:)
The girls enjoyed "rescuing" him from the squeaking
violins and taking him to their schoolroom.. :)
I think the girls were sad to leave him..
 I was on the floor in our schoolroom one day grading
papers when Oreo came right over and just climbed
right up into my lap!:)  Guess he felt at home!;)
 It was so cool!  We were out recruiting, and I noticed
the names of these streets.. of course, I had to snap one!:)
Love you, Dave & Pab!:)  Miss ya!

 We went "recruiting" to Wal-Mart.. Janna and I were
having fun looking at their dishes and picking out our favorite.
Janna came upon these and, of course, we just had to get a
pic.. in case you didn't know, Stephanie's middle name is Joy
and Annaleese's middle name is Hope:)
We didn't find a Faith dish for Janna, though:(
I enjoyed reading by the Christmas tree lights:)  So cozy!
And I guess Oreo enjoyed laying by my feet.. :)
 The WAR nights!  This week was a little different in that
the church didn't have a Christian school associated with
it and they only had a few teens that attended their church
from time to time.. so we recruited like crazy in hopes to
bring in a good crowd.  We just had the War on Wednesday
and Thursday nights and then we left on Friday for an early
rest day before our final week in North Charleston, SC.
Both nights we ended up with a little over thirty teens..
Not too bad, but this meant that Stephanie and Janna got
to play some, too!  They enjoyed that, and did a great job!:)
(okay.. so I'm a little biased!;))

 The Barnetts really seemed to enjoy the week!
They were so sweet to so graciously open up their
home and church to us!  I felt right at home and really
enjoyed the week.. as I think all of us did!
 The kids had fun playing with the big tractor tire size inter tubes!:)

 Wilson Parker.. he's SO adorable!  I just love him!
I had so much fun playing with him!
And I just love to hear him talk.. hard to explain, but pretty cute!:)
Such an answer to prayer this week..
Summer Justice was a girl that had attended the church,
but had bad mouthed the preacher and was very influential
and I guess had spread to others of her dislike for the preacher!
Well, they were so burdened to see her saved this week.
She'd rejected the gospel numerous times before.
So, we were praying even in the beginning of the week for Summer.
Well, Wednesday night came and Summer was there!
Dr. Jim preached a gospel message and Summer responded
along with about twenty others!  Mrs. Van had the opportunity 
to deal with her and she said that Summer was crying as she started 
talking to her. She was gloriously saved that night!  And then soon after she 
wanted to talk to the preacher and his wife and apologize to them!  It was 
so awesome to see the Lord's saving and reviving work!!!
Praise the Lord for this amazing answer to prayer!!!
The girls had a "practice recital" on Thursday..
 Now this is definitely a "kodak moment" :)
Because they didn't have chapels during the days,
Dr. Jim did the Splash Ball on Thursday night.
It was so hilarious!  I wish I would've gotten this guy
doing it on film!  So Dr. Jim gave the category of
"breakfast dry cereals".. well, this guy was so funny!
Poor thing!  He didn't seem to remember any!  Guess
he must freeze up under pressure?!
He was like "um.. Frosted Flakes" (which was a spin off
of something already mentioned, so Dr. Jim keeps holding
it above his head) and so he's like "I said Frosted Flakes, man!
FROSTED FLAKES!"  Still Dr. Jim's holding it.. "Um.. bacon!
bacon!  Frosted Flakes!  Bacon!"  It was SO funny!!!
 haha I asked Carl to take OUR picture in front of the
Christmas tree before we left on Friday.. and this is what I got!:)
 Merry Christmas early.. from our team to you!!!:)


  1. Great post, Tiz! Luv ya, Summer

  2. Whoa, whoa! "St." David street? I don't think so! Lol! :) (just kidding, Dave!)
